Tag Archives: starter pots

DIY dipped cans

3 Jun

This is a simple, cute way to share cuttings or starters of your favorite plants.

#DIY dipped cans by makingmondays


Tin Cans


Hammer and nail

Small rocks or pottery shards


Succulent cutting, herbs, or whatever you prefer

Scrapbook paper or origami paper



#DIY dipped cans by makingmondays

I used some paint I found in my garage. But you might check out the rejected paint shelf at your local paint superstore, you can usually get bright colors on the cheap because they were mixed wrong. Too bright for walls is perfect for crafts.

Dip the cans directly into the can of paint as deep as you’d like. Allow excess to drip off for a minute. Set on wax paper to dry. Move a few times during drying to prevent the excess paint from pooling and drying around the bottom edge.

#DIY dipped cans by makingmondays

Holes provide drainage, which is important for succulents. Add about 6 using a hammer and nail. If you intend to use this indoors such as on a desk or windowsill, you do not have to poke holes. Just be careful not to over water.

Put a layer of small rocks in the base of the can. Fill with dirt. Plant and water.

If you want to make it a gift, follow these fantastic instructions for an origami bow from Let’s Create.  Attach it to the front with glue. If using a glue with a long drying time, use a clothes pin to hold the bow in place while it dries.